Type Alias d1_pac::csic::csic_dma::csic_dma_int_en::CD_INT_EN_W

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pub type CD_INT_EN_W<'a, const O: u8> = BitWriter<'a, u32, CSIC_DMA_INT_EN_SPEC, bool, O>;
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Field cd_int_en writer - Capture done

Indicates the CSI has completed capturing the image data. For still capture, the bit is set when one frame data has been written to buffer. For video capture, the bit is set when the last frame has been written to buffer after video capture has been disabled. For CCIR656 interface, if the output format is frame planar YCbCr 420 mode, the frame end means the field2 end, the other frame end means field end.

Aliased Type§

struct CD_INT_EN_W<'a, const O: u8> { /* private fields */ }