Type Alias d1_pac::i2s_pcm::i2s_pcm_fmt0::LRCK_PERIOD_W

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pub type LRCK_PERIOD_W<'a, const O: u8> = FieldWriter<'a, u32, I2S_PCM_FMT0_SPEC, u16, u16, 10, O>;
Expand description

Field lrck_period writer - Number of BCLKs per channel of the sample frame. This value is interpreted as follows:

PCM mode: Number of BCLKs within (Left + Right) channel width.

I2S/Left-justified/Right-justified: Number of BCLKs within each channel width (Left or Right)

Period = N + 1

e.g. N = 7: 8 BCLKs width

Aliased Type§

struct LRCK_PERIOD_W<'a, const O: u8> { /* private fields */ }