pub type ISOCHRONOUS_ENABLE_W<'a, const O: u8> = BitWriter<'a, u32, HC_CONTROL_SPEC, bool, O>;
Expand description

Field isochronous_enable writer - This bit is used by HCD to enable/disable processing of isochronous EDs. While processing the periodic list in a Frame, HC checks the status of this bit when it finds an Isochronous ED (F=1). If set (enabled), HC continues processing the EDs. If cleared (disabled), HC halts processing of the periodic list (which now contains only isochronous EDs) and begins processing the Bulk/Control lists. Setting this bit is guaranteed to take effect in the next Frame (not the current Frame).

Aliased Type§

struct ISOCHRONOUS_ENABLE_W<'a, const O: u8> { /* private fields */ }