#[doc = "Register `hcsp_portroute` reader"]
pub struct R(crate::R<HCSP_PORTROUTE_SPEC>);
impl core::ops::Deref for R {
type Target = crate::R<HCSP_PORTROUTE_SPEC>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl From<crate::R<HCSP_PORTROUTE_SPEC>> for R {
fn from(reader: crate::R<HCSP_PORTROUTE_SPEC>) -> Self {
#[doc = "Field `hcsp_portroute` reader - This optional field is valid only if Port Routing Rules field in HCSPARAMS register is set to a one.\n\nThis field is used to allow a host controller implementation to explicitly describe to which companion host controller each implemented port is mapped. This field is a 15-element nibble array (each 4 bit is one array element). Each array location corresponds one-to-one with a physical port provided by the host controller (e.g. PORTROUTE \\[0\\] corresponds to the first PORTSC port, PORTROUTE \\[1\\] to the second PORTSC port, etc.). The value of each element indicates to which the companion host controllers this port is routed. Only the first N_PORTS elements have valid information. A value of zero indicates that the port is routed to the lowest numbered function companion host controller. A value of one indicates that the port is routed to the next lowest numbered function companion host controller, and so on."]
pub type HCSP_PORTROUTE_R = crate::FieldReader<u32, u32>;
impl R {
#[doc = "Bits 0:31 - This optional field is valid only if Port Routing Rules field in HCSPARAMS register is set to a one.\n\nThis field is used to allow a host controller implementation to explicitly describe to which companion host controller each implemented port is mapped. This field is a 15-element nibble array (each 4 bit is one array element). Each array location corresponds one-to-one with a physical port provided by the host controller (e.g. PORTROUTE \\[0\\] corresponds to the first PORTSC port, PORTROUTE \\[1\\] to the second PORTSC port, etc.). The value of each element indicates to which the companion host controllers this port is routed. Only the first N_PORTS elements have valid information. A value of zero indicates that the port is routed to the lowest numbered function companion host controller. A value of one indicates that the port is routed to the next lowest numbered function companion host controller, and so on."]
pub fn hcsp_portroute(&self) -> HCSP_PORTROUTE_R {
#[doc = "EHCI Companion Port Route Description\n\nThis register you can [`read`](crate::generic::Reg::read). See [API](https://docs.rs/svd2rust/#read--modify--write-api).\n\nFor information about available fields see [hcsp_portroute](index.html) module"]
impl crate::RegisterSpec for HCSP_PORTROUTE_SPEC {
type Ux = u32;
#[doc = "`read()` method returns [hcsp_portroute::R](R) reader structure"]
impl crate::Readable for HCSP_PORTROUTE_SPEC {
type Reader = R;
#[doc = "`reset()` method sets hcsp_portroute to value 0"]
impl crate::Resettable for HCSP_PORTROUTE_SPEC {
const RESET_VALUE: Self::Ux = 0;