use crate::data::{Tag, Type};
use crate::decode::{Decode, Error};
use core::{char, f32, i8, i16, i32, i64};
use core::{convert::TryInto, marker, str};
macro_rules! try_to {
($v: ident, $t: ty, $max: expr, $msg: expr) => {{
if $v > $max {
Err(Error::Overflow(u64::from($v), $msg))
} else {
Ok(-1 - $v as $t)
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Decoder<'b> {
buf: &'b [u8],
pos: usize
impl<'b> Decoder<'b> {
pub fn new(bytes: &'b [u8]) -> Self {
Decoder { buf: bytes, pos: 0 }
pub fn decode<T: Decode<'b>>(&mut self) -> Result<T, Error> {
pub fn position(&self) -> usize {
pub fn set_position(&mut self, pos: usize) {
self.pos = pos
pub fn probe<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Probe<'a, 'b> {
Probe {
decoder: self.clone(),
_marker: marker::PhantomData
pub fn bool(&mut self) -> Result<bool, Error> {
match self.read()? {
0xf4 => Ok(false),
0xf5 => Ok(true),
b => Err(Error::TypeMismatch(self.type_of(b)?, "expected bool"))
pub fn u8(&mut self) -> Result<u8, Error> {
match self.read()? {
n @ 0 ..= 0x17 => Ok(n),
0x18 => self.read(),
0x19 => self.read_slice(2).map(read_u16).and_then(|n| try_as(n, "u16->u8")),
0x1a => self.read_slice(4).map(read_u32).and_then(|n| try_as(n, "u32->u8")),
0x1b => self.read_slice(8).map(read_u64).and_then(|n| try_as(n, "u64->u8")),
b => Err(Error::TypeMismatch(self.type_of(b)?, "expected u8"))
pub fn u16(&mut self) -> Result<u16, Error> {
match self.read()? {
n @ 0 ..= 0x17 => Ok(u16::from(n)),
0x18 => self.read().map(u16::from),
0x19 => self.read_slice(2).map(read_u16),
0x1a => self.read_slice(4).map(read_u32).and_then(|n| try_as(n, "u32->u16")),
0x1b => self.read_slice(8).map(read_u64).and_then(|n| try_as(n, "u64->u16")),
b => Err(Error::TypeMismatch(self.type_of(b)?, "expected u16"))
pub fn u32(&mut self) -> Result<u32, Error> {
match self.read()? {
n @ 0 ..= 0x17 => Ok(u32::from(n)),
0x18 => self.read().map(u32::from),
0x19 => self.read_slice(2).map(read_u16).map(u32::from),
0x1a => self.read_slice(4).map(read_u32),
0x1b => self.read_slice(8).map(read_u64).and_then(|n| try_as(n, "u64->u32")),
b => Err(Error::TypeMismatch(self.type_of(b)?, "expected u32"))
pub fn u64(&mut self) -> Result<u64, Error> {
let n = self.read()?;
pub fn i8(&mut self) -> Result<i8, Error> {
match self.read()? {
n @ 0x00 ..= 0x17 => Ok(n as i8),
0x18 => self.read().and_then(|n| try_as(n, "u8->i8")),
0x19 => self.read_slice(2).map(read_u16).and_then(|n| try_as(n, "u16->i8")),
0x1a => self.read_slice(4).map(read_u32).and_then(|n| try_as(n, "u32->i8")),
0x1b => self.read_slice(8).map(read_u64).and_then(|n| try_as(n, "u64->i8")),
n @ 0x20 ..= 0x37 => Ok(-1 - (n - 0x20) as i8),
0x38 => self.read().and_then(|n| try_to!(n, i8, i8::MAX as u8, "u8->i8")),
0x39 => self.read_slice(2).map(read_u16).and_then(|n| try_to!(n, i8, i8::MAX as u16, "u16->i8")),
0x3a => self.read_slice(4).map(read_u32).and_then(|n| try_to!(n, i8, i8::MAX as u32, "u32->i8")),
0x3b => self.read_slice(8).map(read_u64).and_then(|n| try_to!(n, i8, i8::MAX as u64, "u64->i8")),
b => Err(Error::TypeMismatch(self.type_of(b)?, "expected i8"))
pub fn i16(&mut self) -> Result<i16, Error> {
match self.read()? {
n @ 0x00 ..= 0x17 => Ok(i16::from(n)),
0x18 => self.read().map(i16::from),
0x19 => self.read_slice(2).map(read_u16).and_then(|n| try_as(n, "u16->i16")),
0x1a => self.read_slice(4).map(read_u32).and_then(|n| try_as(n, "u32->i16")),
0x1b => self.read_slice(8).map(read_u64).and_then(|n| try_as(n, "u64->i16")),
n @ 0x20 ..= 0x37 => Ok(-1 - i16::from(n - 0x20)),
0x38 => self.read().map(|n| -1 - i16::from(n)),
0x39 => self.read_slice(2).map(read_u16).and_then(|n| try_to!(n, i16, i16::MAX as u16, "u16->i16")),
0x3a => self.read_slice(4).map(read_u32).and_then(|n| try_to!(n, i16, i16::MAX as u32, "u32->i16")),
0x3b => self.read_slice(8).map(read_u64).and_then(|n| try_to!(n, i16, i16::MAX as u64, "u64->i16")),
b => Err(Error::TypeMismatch(self.type_of(b)?, "expected i16"))
pub fn i32(&mut self) -> Result<i32, Error> {
match self.read()? {
n @ 0x00 ..= 0x17 => Ok(i32::from(n)),
0x18 => self.read().map(i32::from),
0x19 => self.read_slice(2).map(read_u16).map(i32::from),
0x1a => self.read_slice(4).map(read_u32).and_then(|n| try_as(n, "u32->i32")),
0x1b => self.read_slice(8).map(read_u64).and_then(|n| try_as(n, "u64->i32")),
n @ 0x20 ..= 0x37 => Ok(-1 - i32::from(n - 0x20)),
0x38 => self.read().map(|n| -1 - i32::from(n)),
0x39 => self.read_slice(2).map(read_u16).map(|n| -1 - i32::from(n)),
0x3a => self.read_slice(4).map(read_u32).and_then(|n| try_to!(n, i32, i32::MAX as u32, "u32->i32")),
0x3b => self.read_slice(8).map(read_u64).and_then(|n| try_to!(n, i32, i32::MAX as u64, "u64->i32")),
b => Err(Error::TypeMismatch(self.type_of(b)?, "expected i32"))
pub fn i64(&mut self) -> Result<i64, Error> {
match self.read()? {
n @ 0x00 ..= 0x17 => Ok(i64::from(n)),
0x18 => self.read().map(i64::from),
0x19 => self.read_slice(2).map(read_u16).map(i64::from),
0x1a => self.read_slice(4).map(read_u32).map(i64::from),
0x1b => self.read_slice(8).map(read_u64).and_then(|n| try_as(n, "u64->i64")),
n @ 0x20 ..= 0x37 => Ok(-1 - i64::from(n - 0x20)),
0x38 => self.read().map(|n| -1 - i64::from(n)),
0x39 => self.read_slice(2).map(read_u16).map(|n| -1 - i64::from(n)),
0x3a => self.read_slice(4).map(read_u32).map(|n| -1 - i64::from(n)),
0x3b => self.read_slice(8).map(read_u64).and_then(|n| try_to!(n, i64, i64::MAX as u64, "u64->i64")),
b => Err(Error::TypeMismatch(self.type_of(b)?, "expected i64"))
#[cfg(feature = "half")]
pub fn f16(&mut self) -> Result<f32, Error> {
let b = self.read()?;
if 0xf9 != b {
return Err(Error::TypeMismatch(self.type_of(b)?, "expected f16"))
let mut n = [0; 2];
pub fn f32(&mut self) -> Result<f32, Error> {
match self.current()? {
#[cfg(feature = "half")]
0xf9 => self.f16(),
0xfa => {
let mut n = [0; 4];
b => Err(Error::TypeMismatch(self.type_of(b)?, "expected f32"))
pub fn f64(&mut self) -> Result<f64, Error> {
match self.current()? {
#[cfg(feature = "half")]
0xf9 => self.f16().map(f64::from),
0xfa => self.f32().map(f64::from),
0xfb => {
let mut n = [0; 8];
b => Err(Error::TypeMismatch(self.type_of(b)?, "expected f64"))
pub fn char(&mut self) -> Result<char, Error> {
let n = self.u32()?;
pub fn bytes(&mut self) -> Result<&'b [u8], Error> {
let b = self.read()?;
if BYTES != type_of(b) || info_of(b) == 31 {
return Err(Error::TypeMismatch(self.type_of(b)?, "expected bytes (definite length)"))
let n = u64_to_usize(self.unsigned(info_of(b))?)?;
pub fn bytes_iter(&mut self) -> Result<BytesIter<'_, 'b>, Error> {
let b = self.read()?;
if BYTES != type_of(b) {
return Err(Error::TypeMismatch(self.type_of(b)?, "expected bytes"))
match info_of(b) {
31 => Ok(BytesIter { decoder: self, len: None }),
n => {
let len = u64_to_usize(self.unsigned(n)?)?;
Ok(BytesIter { decoder: self, len: Some(len) })
pub fn str(&mut self) -> Result<&'b str, Error> {
let b = self.read()?;
if TEXT != type_of(b) || info_of(b) == 31 {
return Err(Error::TypeMismatch(self.type_of(b)?, "expected text (definite length)"))
let n = u64_to_usize(self.unsigned(info_of(b))?)?;
let d = self.read_slice(n)?;
pub fn str_iter(&mut self) -> Result<StrIter<'_, 'b>, Error> {
let b = self.read()?;
if TEXT != type_of(b) {
return Err(Error::TypeMismatch(self.type_of(b)?, "expected text"))
match info_of(b) {
31 => Ok(StrIter { decoder: self, len: None }),
n => {
let len = u64_to_usize(self.unsigned(n)?)?;
Ok(StrIter { decoder: self, len: Some(len) })
pub fn array(&mut self) -> Result<Option<u64>, Error> {
let b = self.read()?;
if ARRAY != type_of(b) {
return Err(Error::TypeMismatch(self.type_of(b)?, "expected array"))
match info_of(b) {
31 => Ok(None),
n => Ok(Some(self.unsigned(n)?))
pub fn array_iter<T>(&mut self) -> Result<ArrayIter<'_, 'b, T>, Error>
T: Decode<'b>
let len = self.array()?;
Ok(ArrayIter { decoder: self, len, _mark: marker::PhantomData })
pub fn map(&mut self) -> Result<Option<u64>, Error> {
let b = self.read()?;
if MAP != type_of(b) {
return Err(Error::TypeMismatch(self.type_of(b)?, "expected map"))
match info_of(b) {
31 => Ok(None),
n => Ok(Some(self.unsigned(n)?))
pub fn map_iter<K, V>(&mut self) -> Result<MapIter<'_, 'b, K, V>, Error>
K: Decode<'b>,
V: Decode<'b>
let len = self.map()?;
Ok(MapIter { decoder: self, len, _mark: marker::PhantomData })
pub fn tag(&mut self) -> Result<Tag, Error> {
let b = self.read()?;
if TAGGED != type_of(b) {
return Err(Error::TypeMismatch(self.type_of(b)?, "expected tag"))
pub fn null(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
match self.read()? {
0xf6 => Ok(()),
n => Err(Error::TypeMismatch(self.type_of(n)?, "expected null"))
pub fn undefined(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
match self.read()? {
0xf7 => Ok(()),
n => Err(Error::TypeMismatch(self.type_of(n)?, "expected undefined"))
pub fn simple(&mut self) -> Result<u8, Error> {
match self.read()? {
n @ SIMPLE ..= 0xf3 => Ok(n - SIMPLE),
0xf8 => self.read(),
n => Err(Error::TypeMismatch(self.type_of(n)?, "expected simple value"))
pub fn datatype(&self) -> Result<Type, Error> {
#[cfg(all(feature = "alloc", not(feature = "__test-partial-skip-support")))]
pub fn skip(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut nrounds = 1u64; let mut irounds = 0u64; let mut stack: alloc::vec::Vec<Option<u64>> = alloc::vec::Vec::new();
while nrounds > 0 || irounds > 0 || !stack.is_empty() {
match self.current()? {
UNSIGNED ..= 0x1b => { self.u64()?; }
SIGNED ..= 0x3b => { self.i64()?; }
BYTES ..= 0x5f => { for _ in self.bytes_iter()? {} }
TEXT ..= 0x7f => { for _ in self.str_iter()? {} }
ARRAY ..= 0x9f =>
match self.array()? {
Some(0) => {}
Some(n) =>
if nrounds == 0 && irounds == 0 {
} else {
nrounds = nrounds.saturating_add(n)
None =>
if nrounds == 0 && irounds == 0 {
} else if nrounds < 2 {
irounds = irounds.saturating_add(1)
} else {
for _ in 0 .. irounds {
stack.push(Some(nrounds - 1));
nrounds = 0;
irounds = 0
MAP ..= 0xbf =>
match self.map()? {
Some(0) => {}
Some(n) =>
if nrounds == 0 && irounds == 0 {
} else {
nrounds = nrounds.saturating_add(n.saturating_mul(2))
None =>
if nrounds == 0 && irounds == 0 {
} else if nrounds < 2 {
irounds = irounds.saturating_add(1)
} else {
for _ in 0 .. irounds {
stack.push(Some(nrounds - 1));
nrounds = 0;
irounds = 0
TAGGED ..= 0xdb => {
self.read().and_then(|n| self.unsigned(info_of(n)))?;
SIMPLE ..= 0xfb => {
self.read().and_then(|n| self.unsigned(info_of(n)))?;
BREAK => {
if nrounds == 0 && irounds == 0 {
if let Some(None) = stack.last() {
} else {
irounds = irounds.saturating_sub(1)
other => return Err(Error::TypeMismatch(self.type_of(other)?, "unknown type"))
if nrounds == 0 && irounds == 0 {
while let Some(Some(0)) = stack.last() {
match stack.last_mut() {
Some(Some(n)) => { *n -= 1 }
Some(None) => {}
None => break
} else {
nrounds = nrounds.saturating_sub(1)
all(not(feature = "alloc"), feature = "partial-skip-support"),
feature = "__test-partial-skip-support"
pub fn skip(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
pub(crate) fn limited_skip(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut nrounds = 1u64; let mut irounds = 0u64; let error_msg =
"arrays and maps of indefinite length inside of \
regular arrays or maps require feature flag `alloc`";
while nrounds > 0 || irounds > 0 {
match self.current()? {
UNSIGNED ..= 0x1b => { self.u64()?; }
SIGNED ..= 0x3b => { self.i64()?; }
BYTES ..= 0x5f => { for _ in self.bytes_iter()? {} }
TEXT ..= 0x7f => { for _ in self.str_iter()? {} }
ARRAY ..= 0x9f =>
if let Some(n) = self.array()? {
nrounds = nrounds.saturating_add(n)
} else if nrounds < 2 {
irounds = irounds.saturating_add(1)
} else {
return Err(Error::Message(error_msg))
MAP ..= 0xbf =>
if let Some(n) = self.map()? {
nrounds = nrounds.saturating_add(n.saturating_mul(2))
} else if nrounds < 2 {
irounds = irounds.saturating_add(1)
} else {
return Err(Error::Message(error_msg))
TAGGED ..= 0xdb => {
self.read().and_then(|n| self.unsigned(info_of(n)))?;
SIMPLE ..= 0xfb => {
self.read().and_then(|n| self.unsigned(info_of(n)))?;
BREAK => {
irounds = irounds.saturating_sub(1)
other => return Err(Error::TypeMismatch(self.type_of(other)?, "not supported"))
nrounds = nrounds.saturating_sub(1)
pub(crate) fn consume(&mut self) -> Result<&'b [u8], Error> {
if let Some(b) = self.buf.get(self.pos ..) {
self.pos = self.buf.len();
return Ok(b)
fn unsigned(&mut self, b: u8) -> Result<u64, Error> {
match b {
n @ 0 ..= 0x17 => Ok(u64::from(n)),
0x18 => self.read().map(u64::from),
0x19 => self.read_slice(2).map(read_u16).map(u64::from),
0x1a => self.read_slice(4).map(read_u32).map(u64::from),
0x1b => self.read_slice(8).map(read_u64),
_ => Err(Error::TypeMismatch(self.type_of(b)?, "expected u64"))
fn current(&self) -> Result<u8, Error> {
if let Some(b) = self.buf.get(self.pos) {
return Ok(*b)
fn read(&mut self) -> Result<u8, Error> {
if let Some(b) = self.buf.get(self.pos) {
self.pos += 1;
return Ok(*b)
fn peek(&self) -> Result<u8, Error> {
.and_then(|i| self.buf.get(i).copied())
fn read_slice(&mut self, n: usize) -> Result<&'b [u8], Error> {
if let Some(b) = self.pos.checked_add(n).and_then(|end| self.buf.get(self.pos .. end)) {
self.pos += n;
return Ok(b)
fn type_of(&self, n: u8) -> Result<Type, Error> {
Ok(match n {
0x00 ..= 0x18 => Type::U8,
0x19 => Type::U16,
0x1a => Type::U32,
0x1b => Type::U64,
0x20 ..= 0x37 => Type::I8,
0x38 => if self.peek()? < 0x80 { Type::I8 } else { Type::I16 }
0x39 => if self.peek()? < 0x80 { Type::I16 } else { Type::I32 }
0x3a => if self.peek()? < 0x80 { Type::I32 } else { Type::I64 }
0x3b => Type::I64,
0x40 ..= 0x5b => Type::Bytes,
0x5f => Type::BytesIndef,
0x60 ..= 0x7b => Type::String,
0x7f => Type::StringIndef,
0x80 ..= 0x9b => Type::Array,
0x9f => Type::ArrayIndef,
0xa0 ..= 0xbb => Type::Map,
0xbf => Type::MapIndef,
0xc0 ..= 0xdb => Type::Tag,
0xe0 ..= 0xf3 | 0xf8 => Type::Simple,
0xf4 | 0xf5 => Type::Bool,
0xf6 => Type::Null,
0xf7 => Type::Undefined,
0xf9 => Type::F16,
0xfa => Type::F32,
0xfb => Type::F64,
0xff => Type::Break,
n => Type::Unknown(n)
pub struct BytesIter<'a, 'b> {
decoder: &'a mut Decoder<'b>,
len: Option<usize>
impl<'a, 'b> Iterator for BytesIter<'a, 'b> {
type Item = Result<&'b [u8], Error>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
match self.len {
None => match self.decoder.current() {
Ok(BREAK) => self.decoder.read().map(|_| None).transpose(),
Ok(_) => Some(self.decoder.bytes()),
Err(e) => Some(Err(e))
Some(0) => None,
Some(n) => {
self.len = Some(0);
pub struct StrIter<'a, 'b> {
decoder: &'a mut Decoder<'b>,
len: Option<usize>
impl<'a, 'b> Iterator for StrIter<'a, 'b> {
type Item = Result<&'b str, Error>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
match self.len {
None => match self.decoder.current() {
Ok(BREAK) => self.decoder.read().map(|_| None).transpose(),
Ok(_) => Some(self.decoder.str()),
Err(e) => Some(Err(e))
Some(0) => None,
Some(n) => {
self.len = Some(0);
Some(self.decoder.read_slice(n).and_then(|d| str::from_utf8(d).map_err(Error::from)))
pub struct ArrayIter<'a, 'b, T> {
decoder: &'a mut Decoder<'b>,
len: Option<u64>,
_mark: marker::PhantomData<&'a T>
impl<'a, 'b, T: Decode<'b>> Iterator for ArrayIter<'a, 'b, T> {
type Item = Result<T, Error>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
match self.len {
None => match self.decoder.current() {
Ok(BREAK) => self.decoder.read().map(|_| None).transpose(),
Ok(_) => Some(T::decode(self.decoder)),
Err(e) => Some(Err(e))
Some(0) => None,
Some(n) => {
self.len = Some(n - 1);
pub struct MapIter<'a, 'b, K, V> {
decoder: &'a mut Decoder<'b>,
len: Option<u64>,
_mark: marker::PhantomData<&'a (K, V)>
impl<'a, 'b, K, V> Iterator for MapIter<'a, 'b, K, V>
K: Decode<'b>,
V: Decode<'b>
type Item = Result<(K, V), Error>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
fn pair<'b, K, V>(d: &mut Decoder<'b>) -> Result<(K, V), Error>
K: Decode<'b>,
V: Decode<'b>
Ok((K::decode(d)?, V::decode(d)?))
match self.len {
None => match self.decoder.current() {
Ok(BREAK) => self.decoder.read().map(|_| None).transpose(),
Ok(_) => Some(pair(self.decoder)),
Err(e) => Some(Err(e))
Some(0) => None,
Some(n) => {
self.len = Some(n - 1);
pub struct Probe<'a, 'b> {
decoder: Decoder<'b>,
_marker: marker::PhantomData<&'a mut ()>
impl<'b> core::ops::Deref for Probe<'_, 'b> {
type Target = Decoder<'b>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<'b> core::ops::DerefMut for Probe<'_, 'b> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.decoder
fn read_u16(b: &[u8]) -> u16 {
let mut n = [0; 2];
fn read_u32(b: &[u8]) -> u32 {
let mut n = [0; 4];
fn read_u64(b: &[u8]) -> u64 {
let mut n = [0; 8];
fn type_of(b: u8) -> u8 {
b & 0b111_00000
fn info_of(b: u8) -> u8 {
b & 0b000_11111
fn u64_to_usize(n: u64) -> Result<usize, Error> {
n.try_into().map_err(|_| Error::Overflow(n, "u64->usize"))
fn try_as<A, B>(val: A, msg: &'static str) -> Result<B, Error>
A: TryInto<B> + Into<u64> + Copy
val.try_into().map_err(|_| Error::Overflow(val.into(), msg))