Type Alias d1_pac::iommu::iommu_pc_ivld_enable::PC_IVLD_ENABLE_W

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pub type PC_IVLD_ENABLE_W<'a, const O: u8> = BitWriter<'a, u32, IOMMU_PC_IVLD_ENABLE_SPEC, PC_IVLD_ENABLE_A, O>;
Expand description

Field pc_ivld_enable writer - Enable PTW Cache invalidation operation

After invalidation operation is completed, the bit can clear automatically.

After or before invalidation operation starts, there is no absolute relationship between the same address switch operation and invalidation operation.

Aliased Type§

struct PC_IVLD_ENABLE_W<'a, const O: u8> { /* private fields */ }



impl<'a, const O: u8> PC_IVLD_ENABLE_W<'a, O>


pub fn no_operation_or_completed(self) -> &'a mut W

No operation or operation is completed


pub fn enable(self) -> &'a mut W

Enable invalidation operation