pub type POWER_SWITCHING_MODE_W<'a, const O: u8> = BitWriter<'a, u32, HC_RH_DESCRIPTOR_A_SPEC, POWER_SWITCHING_MODE_A, O>;
Expand description

Field power_switching_mode writer - PowerSwitchingMode

This bit is used to specify how the power switching of the Root Hub ports is controlled. It is implementation-specific. This field is only valid if the NoPowerSwitching field is cleared.

Aliased Type§

struct POWER_SWITCHING_MODE_W<'a, const O: u8> { /* private fields */ }



impl<'a, const O: u8> POWER_SWITCHING_MODE_W<'a, O>


pub fn same_time(self) -> &'a mut W

All ports are powered at the same time


pub fn individual(self) -> &'a mut W

Each port is powered individually. This mode allows port power to be controlled by either the global switch or per- port switching. If the PortPowerControlMask bit is set, the port responds only to port power commands ( Set/ClearPortPower ). If the port mask is cleared, then the port is controlled only by the global power switch ( Set/ClearGlobalPower ).