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#![doc = include_str!("../README.md")]
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg, doc_auto_cfg))]
/// Const Init Trait
/// This trait is intended for use when implementers of [`ScopedRawMutex`] that can
/// be constructed in const context, e.g. for placing in a `static`
pub trait ConstInit {
/// Create a new instance.
/// This is a const instead of a method to allow creating instances in const context.
const INIT: Self;
/// Raw scoped mutex trait.
/// This mutex is "raw", which means it does not actually contain the protected data, it
/// just implements the mutex mechanism. For most uses you should use `BlockingMutex`
/// from the `scoped-mutex-impls` crate instead, which is generic over a
/// `ScopedRawMutex` and contains the protected data.
/// # Safety
/// ScopedRawMutex implementations must ensure that, while locked, no other thread can lock
/// the RawMutex concurrently. This can usually be implemented using an [`AtomicBool`]
/// to track the "taken" state. See the `scoped-mutex-impls` crate for examples of
/// correct implementations.
/// Unsafe code is allowed to rely on this fact, so incorrect implementations will cause undefined behavior.
/// [`AtomicBool`]: core::sync::atomic::AtomicBool
pub unsafe trait ScopedRawMutex {
/// Lock this `ScopedRawMutex`, calling `f()` after the lock has been acquired, and releasing
/// the lock after the completion of `f()`.
/// If this was successful, `Some(R)` will be returned. If the mutex was already locked,
/// `None` will be returned
fn try_with_lock<R>(&self, f: impl FnOnce() -> R) -> Option<R>;
/// Lock this `ScopedRawMutex`, calling `f()` after the lock has been acquired, and releasing
/// the lock after the completion of `f()`.
/// Implementors may choose whether to block or panic if the lock is already locked.
/// It is recommended to panic if it is possible to know that deadlock has occurred.
/// For implementations on a system with threads, blocking may be the correct choice.
/// For implementations where a single thread is present, panicking immediately may be
/// the correct choice.
fn with_lock<R>(&self, f: impl FnOnce() -> R) -> R;
/// Is this mutex currently locked?
fn is_locked(&self) -> bool;
/// Raw mutex trait.
/// This trait represents an implementation of a generic mutual-exclusion lock
/// which may be locked and unlocked freely at any time.
/// This mutex is "raw", which means it does not actually contain the protected
/// data, it just implements the mutex mechanism. For most uses you should use
/// `BlockingMutex` from the `mutex` crate instead, which is generic over a
/// `RawMutex` and contains the protected data.
/// # `RawMutex` and [`ScopedRawMutex`]
/// The `RawMutex` trait is a superset of the [`ScopedRawMutex`] trait. The
/// interface defined in [`ScopedRawMutex`] is more restrictive, and only
/// permits the mutex to be locked for the duration of a single [`FnOnce`] call
/// and unlocked immediately when that closure exits. `RawMutex`, on the other
/// hand, permits a much wider range of potential usage patterns: it may be used
/// to implement a RAII-style lock guard like [`std::sync::Mutex`][s], a
/// "C-style" mutex where explicit `lock` and `unlock` calls have to be paired
/// manually, *or* a scoped closure-based API like [`ScopedRawMutex`].
/// Therefore, **there is [a blanket implementation][blanket] of
/// [`ScopedRawMutex`] for all types that implement `RawMutex`**.
/// Some mutex implementations may not be able to implement the full `RawMutex`
/// trait, and may only be able to implement the closure-based
/// [`ScopedRawMutex`] subset. For example, implementations for the
/// [`critical-section`] crate (in [`mutex::raw_impls::cs`][cs]) can only
/// implement the `ScopedRawMutex` trait. However, in general, **mutex
/// implementations that *can* implement the more general `RawMutex` trait
/// should prefer to do so**, as they will be able to be used in code that
/// requires either interface.
/// # Safety
/// Implementations of this trait must ensure that the mutex is actually
/// exclusive: a lock can't be acquired while the mutex is already locked.
/// [blanket]: ScopedRawMutex#impl-ScopedRawMutex-for-M
/// [s]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/sync/struct.Mutex.html
/// [cs]: https://docs.rs/mutex/latest/mutex/raw_impls/cs/index.html
/// [critical-section]: https://docs.rs/critical-section/latest/critical_section/
pub unsafe trait RawMutex {
/// Marker type which determines whether a lock guard should be [`Send`].
type GuardMarker;
/// Acquires this mutex, blocking the current thread/CPU core until it is
/// able to do so.
fn lock(&self);
/// Attempts to acquire this mutex without blocking. Returns `true`
/// if the lock was successfully acquired and `false` otherwise.
fn try_lock(&self) -> bool;
/// Unlocks this mutex.
/// # Safety
/// This method may only be called if the mutex is held in the current
/// context, i.e. it must be paired with a successful call to [`lock`] or
/// [`try_lock`].
/// [`lock`]: RawMutex::lock
/// [`try_lock`]: RawMutex::try_lock
unsafe fn unlock(&self);
/// Returns `true` if the mutex is currently locked.
fn is_locked(&self) -> bool;
unsafe impl<M: RawMutex> ScopedRawMutex for M {
fn try_with_lock<R>(&self, f: impl FnOnce() -> R) -> Option<R> {
if self.try_lock() {
// Using a drop guard ensures that the mutex is unlocked when this
// function exits, even if `f()` panics.
let _unlock = Unlock(self);
} else {
fn with_lock<R>(&self, f: impl FnOnce() -> R) -> R {
// Using a drop guard ensures that the mutex is unlocked when this
// function exits, even if `f()` panics.
let _unlock = Unlock(self);
/// Is this mutex currently locked?
fn is_locked(&self) -> bool {
/// Implementation detail of the `ScopedRawMutex` implementation for `RawMutex`.
/// This is a drop guard that unlocks the `RawMutex` when it's dropped. This is
/// used to ensure that the `RawMutex` is always unlocked when the
/// `ScopedRawMutex::with_lock` or `ScopedRawMutex::try_with_lock` closures are
/// exited, even if they are exited by a panic rather than by a normal return.
struct Unlock<'mutex, M: RawMutex>(&'mutex M);
impl<M: RawMutex> Drop for Unlock<'_, M> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
// Safety: Constructing an `Unlock` is only safe if the mutex has
// been locked. Callers are responsible for ensuring this invariant;
// since this struct is only constructed in this module, we do so.